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Source: http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/Techcrunch/~3/sgQc9d-DStM/
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Contact: Jemma Weymouth
Burness Communications
WASHINGTON, DC The Paul Wellstone and Pete Domenici Mental Health Parity and Addiction Equity Act of 2008 ("Parity Act") increased access to mental health and substance use services in hospitals, yet consumers continued to pay more out-of-pocket for substance use admissions than for other types of hospital admissions, finds a new Health Care Cost Institute (HCCI) report.
The report is one of the first of its kind to look at hospital spending, utilization, prices, and out-of-pocket payments for mental health and substance use admissions for those younger than age 65 with employer-sponsored health insurance. Between 2007 and 2011, spending on hospital admissions for mental health and substance use grew faster than spending on medical/surgical admissions. In 2011, spending on mental health and substance use admissions was driven by an uptick in utilization.
The Parity Act enhanced the 1996 Mental Health Parity Act by extending parity to substance use treatment. Under the Parity Act, large group health plans were required to make behavioral health coverage rules similar to medical/surgical benefit rules. Large group plans were also required to make copays, deductibles, coinsurance, and out-of-pocket maximums for behavioral health care equivalent with the most common medical/surgical treatments.
Substance Use Admissions Surge
In one of the first analyses of the law's impact, HCCI found substance use admissions grew by 19.5 percent in 2011 for people younger than age 65 and covered by employer sponsored health insurance. By comparison, between 2010 and 2011, mental health admissions grew by 5.9 percent and medical/surgical admissions declined by 2.3 percent for this population.
"There's extraordinary growth in hospital substance use admissions by people with private health insurance since 2009," said HCCI Board Chairman Martin Gaynor, E.J. Barone Professor of Economics and Health Policy at Carnegie Mellon University. "What is driving these increases is unclear."
Out-of-Pocket Spending After Parity Law
In 2011, out-of-pocket payments for mental health admissions more closely aligned with payments for medical/surgical admissions. However, the amount spent out-of-pocket on substance use admissions remained higher than payments for medical/surgical admissions. Out-of-pocket payments for substance use hospital admissions grew at twice the rate of out-of-pocket payments for mental health or medical/surgical admissions between 2010 and 2011.
"While it is too soon to understand the full impact of the Parity Act, we need to be looking carefully to make sure we understand why these hospital out-of-pocket payments may be growing at a faster pace than medical spending. Moreover, while there is widespread interest in better understanding the drivers of cost and utilization, the drivers, whether they be benefit design, the economy, or something else, need to be monitored so we better understand them," said HCCI Executive Director Dr. David Newman.
Jump in Spending Accompanies Higher Use
Per person spending on mental health inpatient admissions grew by 11.7 percent to $21.33 in 2011. Substance use admission spending per person rose 28.9 percent to $10.06 in 2011. In contrast, per capita hospital spending for medical/surgical admissions grew 4.3 percent to $769.16 in 2011. Although relatively small amounts are spent per person on mental health and substance use admissions, the share of total hospital spending on these conditions grew between 2007 and 2011. Mental health spending as a share of total hospital spending grew from 1.8 percent in 2009 to 2.2 percent in 2011; substance use spending as a share of hospital spending rose from 0.7 percent in 2009 to 1.0 percent in 2011.
Spending growth for mental health and substance use admissions was determined more by increased utilization than by rising prices. In 2011, prices for mental health admissions grew at 5.5 percent and prices for substance use admissions grew 7.9 percent. In comparison, utilization growth in 2011 reached 5.9 percent for mental health admissions, and 19.5 percent for substance use admissions.
Findings Based on Unprecedented Dataset
The report "The Impact of the Mental Health Parity and Addiction Equity Act on Inpatient Admissions" reflects the national health care spending of more than 40 million people younger than 65 and covered by employer-sponsored insurance between 2007 and 2011. The report is focused on hospital care and looks at facility fees; it does not include payments to medical personnel. The data were contributed by a set of large health insurers who collectively represent almost 40 percent of the US private health insurance market.
The report will be available on the Health Care Cost Institute website on February 27, 2013 at 12:01 a.m. EST at: http://www.healthcostinstitute.org/reportMH
About the Health Care Cost Institute
The Health Care Cost Institute promotes independent, nonpartisan research and analysis on US health care spending. HCCI believes a better understanding of the forces driving health care cost growth will help policy makers, researchers, and the public make decisions that will lead to more accessible and affordable care. HCCI is governed by an independent board that includes distinguished economists, actuaries and health care experts. For more information, visit www.healthcostinstitute.org or follow us on Twitter @healthcostinst.
AAAS and EurekAlert! are not responsible for the accuracy of news releases posted to EurekAlert! by contributing institutions or for the use of any information through the EurekAlert! system.
Contact: Jemma Weymouth
Burness Communications
WASHINGTON, DC The Paul Wellstone and Pete Domenici Mental Health Parity and Addiction Equity Act of 2008 ("Parity Act") increased access to mental health and substance use services in hospitals, yet consumers continued to pay more out-of-pocket for substance use admissions than for other types of hospital admissions, finds a new Health Care Cost Institute (HCCI) report.
The report is one of the first of its kind to look at hospital spending, utilization, prices, and out-of-pocket payments for mental health and substance use admissions for those younger than age 65 with employer-sponsored health insurance. Between 2007 and 2011, spending on hospital admissions for mental health and substance use grew faster than spending on medical/surgical admissions. In 2011, spending on mental health and substance use admissions was driven by an uptick in utilization.
The Parity Act enhanced the 1996 Mental Health Parity Act by extending parity to substance use treatment. Under the Parity Act, large group health plans were required to make behavioral health coverage rules similar to medical/surgical benefit rules. Large group plans were also required to make copays, deductibles, coinsurance, and out-of-pocket maximums for behavioral health care equivalent with the most common medical/surgical treatments.
Substance Use Admissions Surge
In one of the first analyses of the law's impact, HCCI found substance use admissions grew by 19.5 percent in 2011 for people younger than age 65 and covered by employer sponsored health insurance. By comparison, between 2010 and 2011, mental health admissions grew by 5.9 percent and medical/surgical admissions declined by 2.3 percent for this population.
"There's extraordinary growth in hospital substance use admissions by people with private health insurance since 2009," said HCCI Board Chairman Martin Gaynor, E.J. Barone Professor of Economics and Health Policy at Carnegie Mellon University. "What is driving these increases is unclear."
Out-of-Pocket Spending After Parity Law
In 2011, out-of-pocket payments for mental health admissions more closely aligned with payments for medical/surgical admissions. However, the amount spent out-of-pocket on substance use admissions remained higher than payments for medical/surgical admissions. Out-of-pocket payments for substance use hospital admissions grew at twice the rate of out-of-pocket payments for mental health or medical/surgical admissions between 2010 and 2011.
"While it is too soon to understand the full impact of the Parity Act, we need to be looking carefully to make sure we understand why these hospital out-of-pocket payments may be growing at a faster pace than medical spending. Moreover, while there is widespread interest in better understanding the drivers of cost and utilization, the drivers, whether they be benefit design, the economy, or something else, need to be monitored so we better understand them," said HCCI Executive Director Dr. David Newman.
Jump in Spending Accompanies Higher Use
Per person spending on mental health inpatient admissions grew by 11.7 percent to $21.33 in 2011. Substance use admission spending per person rose 28.9 percent to $10.06 in 2011. In contrast, per capita hospital spending for medical/surgical admissions grew 4.3 percent to $769.16 in 2011. Although relatively small amounts are spent per person on mental health and substance use admissions, the share of total hospital spending on these conditions grew between 2007 and 2011. Mental health spending as a share of total hospital spending grew from 1.8 percent in 2009 to 2.2 percent in 2011; substance use spending as a share of hospital spending rose from 0.7 percent in 2009 to 1.0 percent in 2011.
Spending growth for mental health and substance use admissions was determined more by increased utilization than by rising prices. In 2011, prices for mental health admissions grew at 5.5 percent and prices for substance use admissions grew 7.9 percent. In comparison, utilization growth in 2011 reached 5.9 percent for mental health admissions, and 19.5 percent for substance use admissions.
Findings Based on Unprecedented Dataset
The report "The Impact of the Mental Health Parity and Addiction Equity Act on Inpatient Admissions" reflects the national health care spending of more than 40 million people younger than 65 and covered by employer-sponsored insurance between 2007 and 2011. The report is focused on hospital care and looks at facility fees; it does not include payments to medical personnel. The data were contributed by a set of large health insurers who collectively represent almost 40 percent of the US private health insurance market.
The report will be available on the Health Care Cost Institute website on February 27, 2013 at 12:01 a.m. EST at: http://www.healthcostinstitute.org/reportMH
About the Health Care Cost Institute
The Health Care Cost Institute promotes independent, nonpartisan research and analysis on US health care spending. HCCI believes a better understanding of the forces driving health care cost growth will help policy makers, researchers, and the public make decisions that will lead to more accessible and affordable care. HCCI is governed by an independent board that includes distinguished economists, actuaries and health care experts. For more information, visit www.healthcostinstitute.org or follow us on Twitter @healthcostinst.
AAAS and EurekAlert! are not responsible for the accuracy of news releases posted to EurekAlert! by contributing institutions or for the use of any information through the EurekAlert! system.
Source: http://www.eurekalert.org/pub_releases/2013-02/bc-mhu022613.php
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In a bid to bolster its bottom line, Sony's been selling properties like a desperate monopoly player, and the latest space on the board to go is the Sony City Osaka building for 111.1 billion yen ($1.2 billion). That follows the sale of its NY headquarters for a similar sum, and the move of its global HQ from Sweden to Tokyo. The Osaka building has been purchased by a Japanese holding company who will lease the building back to Sony for a period of at least five years, which seems to be the trend for electronics companies lately. The Japanese conglomerate said all the property deals are being made to "transform its business portfolio and reorganize its assets." Translation? Sony needs the cash, natch.
Source: Sony
Source: http://feeds.engadget.com/~r/weblogsinc/engadget/~3/uqTgNZo088k/
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It?s over 50 degrees and it?s making us want to weep in sheer joy for the fact that it might be spring soon. We (and you) could list all of the reasons why spring and then summer are awesome, but here?s one right now: Neighborhood Foods, a West Philly-based urban farm, is bringing back its CSA program. (Attn. peple who don?t know anything: ?CSA? stands for Community Supported Agriculture; in the standard CSA program, you pay the farmer/organization a flat fee at the beginning of the season and you get a box of fresh produce every week.) Neighborhood Farms have added a Philly twist on the program by collaborating with other local producers such as La Colombe coffee, Four Worlds bread, Green Aisle jam and Philadelphia-produced honey. The program runs from May 24th to October 25th. Pick up points are located across the city. You can sign up and check out the produce here.
Source: http://www.phoodie.info/2013/02/27/is-winter-over-these-fresh-veggies-say-yes/
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Boston Acoustics has joined the AirPlay speaker parade with the MC200 Air, a $299.99 (direct) system that also features the ability to stream wireless audio from DLNA-compatible devices. From the visual design to the audio performance, there's nothing wrong here, but the MC200 just doesn't do enough to stand out from the pack. The setup process isn?t as streamlined as some of the competition, and low-end lovers will want to steer clear?this system doesn't offer much of a sub-bass presence, but it also doesn't distort on deep bass, even at high volumes. The overall sound here is crisp and bright, while the user experience is, after initial setup, friendly enough. The MC200 Air isn't especially compelling, however, when compared with competing AirPlay systems.
The MC200 Air measures 6 by 15.8 by 5.3 inches and is available in glossy back or white plastic finishes. Its long front panel is dominated by a metallic speaker grille, with the Boston Acoustics logo below it. On the top panel, a series of buttons, backlit in various colors, control Power, Mute, Air, and Aux (choose either to switch your sound source), and Volume?seeing this many physical controls on an AirPlay system is a rarity.
A 3.5mm Aux input and a headphone jack are located on the left side panel. Along the rear panel are a power adapter connector, Ethernet port, USB port, Setup button, and a flip-up, rubberized plastic antenna. The speaker unit is also wall-mountable using the two keyhole mounts on the back panel.
Setting up the MC200 Air requires far more effort than most popular, competing AirPlay models. The process is pretty much a one-time thing, but because many AirPlay docks have free apps that do all the legwork for you, the MC200 Air starts to feel primitive. There are three different methods you can use to set up the system for wireless play. According to the manual, the "easiest" involves pressing the Setup button on the rear panel and then pressing the WPS button on your router, then waiting. That's fine, but you shouldn't have to even walk over to your router to set up an AirPlay system. The other methods involve doing all the work that more user-friendly speaker systems take care of for you: logging onto a Boston Acoustics network setup web page, clicking on "Profile Configuration," and selecting a few different options from pull-down menus. Again, the process is not confusing, and it's a one-time thing, but it is an annoyance, for sure.
You can also use the MC200 Air as a wired Ethernet speaker?you'll still stream via your iOS device or computer's AirPlay functionality, but connecting to your router via Ethernet means a more reliable signal. That said, AirPlay has improved since its debut roughly two years ago, and the wireless streaming quality is now pretty solid. You also have the option to connect your iOS device via the USB charging cable that came with it and get a digital-quality direct signal (or just charge the device). You can connect a 3.5mm stereo cable to the headphone jack as well, but no cable is included, unfortunately.
The included remote needs to be authorized in iTunes in order to control AirPlay audio?this option is under the Preferences menu. Again, no big deal, but this is not something you have to do on most other AirPlay systems we've tested. Thankfully, the entire point of an AirPlay system is to stream from computers or iOS devices, and generally, you tend to use these systems as their own remotes. (You'd just pause playback on your iPhone itself, for instance).
If you have a DLNA device, you can also stream shared content that way?most of the set up process will occur on your specific device, and not so much on the MC200 Air itself.
The MC200 Air does not distort on tracks with deep bass at high volumes, but it seems to be employing some digital signal processing (DSP) to limit the deep bass frequencies as things get louder. This prevents distortion, but the end result is a speaker system that, at top volumes, sounds as if it lacks sub-bass response on any level. The thunderous electronic drum hits on the Knife's "Silent Shout" sound like fingernails tapping on a tabletop. Lower the volume a bit, and things start to beef up in terms of bass response. This is because the distortion threat is more or less eliminated, so there's no need for heavy DSP. Even at modest volumes, the MC200 Air doesn't sound terribly powerful in the low frequency department, but it delivers a sound that's much closer to the ideal.
On certain genres that rely less on sub-bass elements, the MC200 Air sounds crisp and powerful, with a rich delivery of the lower frequencies that would be covered by a woofer, not a sub-woofer. Arcade Fire's "Rococo" offers a nice example of a song with rich low-end content that doesn't creep too far into the sub-bass realm, and at mid-to-high volumes, the MC200 Air delivers this track cleanly and crisply, with clear vocals and a nice edge to the strumming of the guitars.
Bill Callahan's unique baritone vocals on "Drover" sound excellent on the MC200 Air, nicely combining the richness of his voice with its treble edge, while the pounding drumbeat in the background never overtakes the mix. On some systems with seriously boosted bass, both his vocals and the drums can sound too rounded and dull-edged, and the mix gets muddy.
On Jay-Z and Kanye West's "No Church in the Wild," the vocals are once again crisp and prominently featured, but the kick drum loop and the sub-bass synth hits sound a little too thin, robbed of their low frequency power, and the net result is a less compelling overall mix. In other words, this is not a system for lovers of deep bass and the genres that employ it, like most hip hop and electronic music. The MC200 Air is a far more appropriate choice for genres like folk, jazz, and some less bass-heavy rock.
Classical tracks, like John Adams' "The Chairman Dances," benefit from the clearly defined, crisp high-mid and high frequency sound signature of the system. The lower register strings and percussion, however, can sound slightly lacking. It's not nearly as thin-sounding as the Jay-Z and Kanye West track, but the resonant, rounded sound you might expect to hear from a large drum hit or the bowing of large stringed instruments is dialed back a bit here. On the upside, the wooden percussive content, in the high frequencies, sounds amazingly bright and clear, and helps to add a certain sense of spatial depth.
At $300, the MC200 Air is less expensive than some other systems, like the $400 Audyssey Audio Dock Air, but the best AirPlay systems are priced much higher. Why do such expensive systems seem to deliver such inexpensive-sounding audio? AirPlay, as a feature, is not inexpensive to employ, so much of the price you pay is just to have that built-in wireless functionality, making a speaker system that would normally be priced far lower suddenly ascend.
If you can spend more, you'll find better wireless audio options, like the $500 JBL OnBeat Xtreme, a Bluetooth speaker that outperforms most of the more-affordable AirPlay options and also has a physical dock for iOS devices.
But if AirPlay's wireless functionality is the main draw for you here, you can get some far more powerful, better-sounding systems?you just have to plunk down more cash. The Klipsch Gallery G-17 Air?offers a refined, near-audiophile Airplay experience, while, if we really climb the price ladder, it's hard to say anything bad about the intense Bowers & Wilkins A7, except that it costs $800. For the price, the MC200 Air isn't a bad deal, but make no mistake: You'll be paying a premium for the freedom of wireless audio, not for stellar audio performance.
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??? Boston Acoustics MC200 Air
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Source: http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/ziffdavis/pcmag/~3/skSvUJWefJo/0,2817,2414701,00.asp
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WASHINGTON (AP) ? After more than a century, the Census Bureau is dropping its use of the word "Negro" to describe black Americans in surveys.
Instead of the term that came into use during the Jim Crow era of racial segregation, census forms will use the more modern labels "black" or "African-American".
The change will take effect next year when the Census Bureau distributes its annual American Community Survey to more than 3.5 million U.S. households, Nicholas Jones, chief of the bureau's racial statistics branch, said in an interview.
He pointed to months of public feedback and census research that concluded few black Americans still identify with being Negro and many view the term as "offensive and outdated."
"This is a reflection of changing times, changing vocabularies and changing understandings of what race means in this country," said Matthew Snipp, a sociology professor at Stanford University, who writes frequently on race and ethnicity. "For younger African-Americans, the term 'Negro' harkens back to the era when African-Americans were second-class citizens in this country."
First used in the census in 1900, "Negro" became the most common way of referring to black Americans through most of the early 20th century, during a time of racial inequality and segregation. "Negro" itself had taken the place of "colored." Starting with the 1960s civil rights movement, black activists began to reject the "Negro" label and came to identify themselves as black or African-American.
Still, the term has lingered, having been used by Martin Luther King Jr. in his speeches. It also remains in the names of some black empowerment groups that were established before the 1960s, such as the United Negro College Fund, now often referred to as UNCF.
For the 2010 census, the government briefly considered dropping the word "Negro" but ultimately decided against it, determining that a small segment, mostly older blacks living in the South, still identified with the term. But once census forms were mailed and some black groups protested, Robert Groves, the Census Bureau's director at the time, apologized and predicted the term would be dropped in future censuses.
When asked to mark their race, Americans are currently given a choice of five government-defined categories in census surveys, including one checkbox selection which is described as "black, African Am., or Negro." Beginning with the surveys next year, that selection will simply say "black" or "African American."
In the 2000 census, about 50,000 people specifically wrote in the word Negro when asked how they wished to be identified. By 2010, unpublished census data provided to the AP show that number had declined to roughly 36,000.
Source: http://news.yahoo.com/us-stopping-term-negro-census-surveys-164013710--politics.html
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Source: http://the-gadgeteer.com/2013/02/25/music-goes-back-to-the-future-with-pyles-retro-turntable/
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The world is full of profiled people who claim to be the celebrities. But, it is very rare to find the actual personality which deserves to be the real celebrity & an ideal example for rest of the people all over the world. Artin Afsharjavan is one of such people who has build their own path, even if, the circumstances has imposed many restrictions & difficulties.
The earlier life of Artin Afsharjavan was spent in poor conditions. He lived with his parents in Texas. His father owned the farm house which was the sole means of living for them. However, the interest of Artin in formal studies and his research & development oriented attitude made his parent to realize his potential. He joined the local school for formal studies. After the high school, he was sent to California where he attained the gradation degree in reputed California University. In addition of being the topper in studies, he has been in the top ranks of any competition. Artin has earned a reputed position for his university in international programming championship.
The gradation was not the last stop for Artin Afsharjavan. His thirst for knowledge has molded his career towards the masters degree in management from the same university. The combination of research orientated attitude & management skills has made business as the main passion of Artin. After working in the reputed software companies in California, Artin has come up with innovative business strategies.
Today, Artin Afsharjavan owns a private LLC which supplies the avant-garde IT solutions throughout the world. He has, recently, worked on the development of communication channels for the transportation truck systems which is capable of providing all the information to the driver including the net profit on every load & round. Artins research on AI logics assembly has opened new gates of opportunity for his future. He has recently signed up the deal with software companies to supply the completed project till 2020.
In personal life, Artin Afsharjavan is very simple & decent being. He likes to play baseball. However, his passion is to enjoy the motocross in the free time, if he gets. Although, he is not pro, his stunts are highly stunning & amazing. According to Artin, motocross provides him the zeal to progress & do something new in his professional life. This is the only linking between his pro & personal life. Otherwise, he has never been seen mixing both the aspects of his life.
His passion for motocross does not means that he do not like indoor gaming. He is fond of computer games. His main priority is to play chess with his computer. Interestingly, the program which he uses for chess algorithms is designed by him. Sometimes, he enjoys going out & listen music, but thats very rare because of scarcity of time. Most of the time of Artin Afsharjavan goes in designing the new algorithms for his programs which is an indication of his hard working attitude. In short, he has very effective & amazing personality & attitude that mesmerize anyone who meets him.
Artin Afsharjavan A Reputed Computer Scientist
Source: http://www.articleswide.com/article/17855-Artin_Afsharjavan_A_Reputed_Computer_Scientist.html
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Courtesy of Daniel Brook
India?s tallest buildings, the missile-shaped Imperial Towers, rise up through the smoggy haze of the nation?s financial capital, Mumbai, like a shimmering vision of Oz. The most dramatic view of the towers comes from gazing at them down Falkland Road, a diagonal avenue that cuts through the heart of the island metropolis and dead ends right before the buildings. But the luxury high-rises? promotional photographs never show this view because, to Mumbaikars, Falkland Road is synonymous with prostitution and is best known for the infamous cages that display the human merchandise. On Falkland Road, rates for services begin at $1; just up the street, in Imperial Towers, the penthouses go for $20 million. The economic vertigo is even more intense than the actual vertigo one gets staring down at Falkland Road from the penthouse balcony.
Mumbai has long been famous for the cheek-by-jowl existence of some of the world?s richest and poorest people. In the decades since India?s independence, impoverished squatters have been filling in any unused space in the megacity, and courts and politicians have generally protected their right to stay. But in the last decade, a new generation of luxury developments has been built atop transformed slums like the shantytown that once sat on the site where Imperial Towers now rises. They are the products of a land policy reform that allows real estate developers to build market-rate projects atop former slums provided they rehouse the slum dwellers on site; though it is easy to miss, next to the tall, flamboyant Imperial Towers sits a cluster of midrise slabs. The results are often surreal, but Mumbai?s slum redevelopment program may have repercussions far beyond India. The city is providing a real-world test of Peruvian economist Hernando de Soto?s theory that the best way to fight poverty in the developing world is to give slum dwellers legal title to their property. But not everyone sees it as a solution to the multifaceted problem of developing world poverty.
The Mumbai slum redevelopment policy is the brainchild of local starchitect Hafeez Contractor, who is not coincidentally the designer of Imperial Towers. ?I used to always say something should be done about the slums. And I always used to say that the best way of [dealing with] slums was that you give them free houses, keep the land, and build on it and make money,? Contractor told me when we met in his office near the Mumbai stock exchange. ?When I first told them in 1982 ? everybody said I am crazy. Today, they are implementing it.?
In 1995, with the backing of the populist local power broker, Balasaheb Thackeray, Contractor?s plan was approved. ?Whatever you might say, Balasaheb had balls of steel,? Contractor said of the controversial figure, an open admirer of Hitler, who died last year. ?All credit should be given to him.?
With the policy framework in place, as the Mumbai economy has boomed in the new century, the slum-dotted landscape has been transformed. Increasingly, slums in prime locations, like the one near the Mumbai international airport chronicled in Katherine Boo?s Behind the Beautiful Forevers, have become the site of negotiations between residents and developers. The law specifies that if 70 percent of a slum?s residents approve, the land can be redeveloped in exchange for each family being given an on-site apartment of 270 square feet. (Rumors that developers trade cash bribes for votes are rampant in the city.)
When I visited the Imperial Towers site with a group of U.K.-based architects, a family of four welcomed us into their tiny two-room apartment?one room for sitting and sleeping and the other, a kitchen-cum-bathroom, for everything else. The mustachioed man of the house, who wore a white undershirt that clung to his burgeoning potbelly, showed the place off with pride, though each room was not much bigger than the parking spaces in the multistory lot reserved for the millionaires next door.
The architects were less impressed. The group was universally shocked that these filthy buildings, with their dark and dirty hallways and water stains beneath the windows from drying laundry, had been built so recently. In both style and upkeep, they resembled the crumbling 50-year-old slabs that ring former East Bloc cities like Bucharest, Romania, and Ljubljana, Slovenia. In theory, one of the benefits of legalizing and formalizing the slum is to get slum dwellers to pay for the electricity they were formerly stealing from the city and connect them to the municipal water system. But because the policy calls for rehousing the poor without doing anything to raise their incomes, many end up unable to pay for utilities or contribute to the upkeep of the buildings through residents? association dues. And the authorities lack leverage to get residents to pay their dues even when they can; this is a system that couldn?t evict the tenants when they were brazen squatters.
Courtesy of Daniel Brook
As we toured the lone snippet of shantytown that had yet to be transformed into rehousing slabs, one architect noted that for all the poverty of its conditions, with only makeshift electricity connections and no running water, the village-like settlement that clung to the hillside reflected the organic urbanism humans built for centuries before being upended by the high modernist dream of housing people more ?efficiently? in boxes. As I chatted with him, careful to avoid stepping into the development?s open sewer, this sounded like a sentimentalization of poverty. But when I later spoke with Mumbai urbanist and author Naresh Fernandes, he noted, ?We?re just beginning to stack up the poor in high-rises while Chicago?s just demolished all of its high-rise projects.?
As for de Soto?s larger theory about the benefits of giving the poor title to the land on which they?ve previously squatted, the test results have yet to come back, as the slum redevelopment regulations don?t permit rehoused slum dwellers to sell their apartments until they?ve lived in them for 10 years. At that point, residents will face a choice of whether to part with their centrally located apartment and purchase a larger one farther from the center of the city or perhaps use the apartment as collateral to take out a small business loan. Even if the program ultimately vindicates de Soto, there is a limited universe of cities in India or elsewhere in the developing world where such projects could be built. The program is predicated upon the fact that Mumbai is a global financial and entertainment hub built on an island where, for all its poverty and problems, the land is worth billions. For the numbers to add up, the high-end developments need to be high-end enough to pay for the low-end rehousing apartments. This approach wouldn?t work in second-tier Indian cities like Nagpur or in cities in less economically dynamic developing countries like, say, Managua, Nicaragua.
At the Atria Mall, a slum redevelopment where the developer has opted to build upscale retail, twin dealerships for Rolls Royce sedans and Ducati motorbikes greet entering shoppers. Inside, stores for global brands including Swatch and Samsonite share air-conditioned space with local boutiques, among them a jewelry shop called Bling. Behind the building, a high wall plastered with billboards for upscale watches and other luxury goods obscures the telltale water-stained high-rises. I slipped through a gateway to find piles of garbage swarming with flies and lying against the backside of the wall; despite the city?s far-reaching slum redevelopment policy, it has yet to build a comprehensive sanitation system. The sewage stench called into question the quality of the municipal wastewater system to which the city aspires to connect its reconstituted slums.
Does the slum redevelopment program actually solve the city?s problems, or does it just hide them behind walls plastered with ads for luxury goods? When I told one of the city?s leading urbanists that I was heading to the Atria Mall, which she knew well from shopping, she looked puzzled. ?Atria?s a slum redevelopment? I had no idea.?
Source: http://feeds.slate.com/click.phdo?i=45c56f4a1e32172ddb27d4eeb92439c9
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Rosa Golijan , NBC News ? ? ? 6 hrs.
There's something magical about the Chromebook Pixel's display. You're so drawn in by its crispness that you want to press your hand against it. And when you finally give in to that urge ... you discover it's a touchscreen.
But does that moment ? that instant when you instinctively touch a screen and it reacts the way your smartphone-obsessed brain expects ? merit paying $1,299 for a laptop that doesn't run Windows or OS X and is essentially just a hyper-evolved Web browser?
I could certainly justify the purchase to myself, because I live my life online. The only moments I truly leave my browser on any given day involve 10 or so minutes inside a proprietary Windows-only application I have to use for work. Otherwise the browser is it for me ? I can even edit photos with Photoshop's online service. And that means Chrome OS, the operating system Google put on the Pixel suits me just fine.
I don't mind if my applications reside on the Web and my data lives in the cloud, but that doesn't work for everyone. Some need software that doesn't have a Web version, some are without data connectivity too often, and so on. The Pixel isn't for those folks ? they can stop reading right here.
Those who prefer swimming in the open Web need to know about the Chromebook Pixel though.
Have I mentioned the screen? There's no photo I can offer that could do justice to the Pixel's screen, but if you've tried a newer iPhone, iPad, or an Apple MacBook Pro with Retina display, you'll understand. There are 239 pixels per inch (ppi) on the Pixel's 12.85-inch display ? which works out to about 4.3 million pixels ? so many that your eyes can't easily differentiate the individual glowing dots. (For comparison, bear in mind that the 13.3-inch MacBook Pro with Retina display offers 227 ppi, the latest iPad has 264 ppi and the iPhone 5 checks in at 326 ppi.)
A Retina display on a laptop makes sense, but do people really also want multi-touch? Apple's late co-founder said no.
"We've thought about this years ago. We've done tons of user testing on this and it turns out it doesn't work," Jobs explained while a mockup of a MacBook Pro with a touch-sensitive display appeared on the screen during a press event on Oct. 20, 2010. "Touch surfaces don't want to be vertical."
"After a short period of time, you start to fatigue. And after an extended period of time, your arm wants to fall off." Jobs added. "It doesn't work. It's ergonomically terrible."
Jobs was right ? I tried using just the touchscreen, no trackpad, and I nearly apologized to my weary limbs ? but Jobs, with all due respect, was also wrong. Using the touchscreen in combination with the trackpad is a fairly pleasant experience. There are moments when touching the screen feels natural. Tapping through photos, scrolling through documents, scrubbing through video, and so on. Once you get acclimated to the fact that your laptop now responds to touch the way a phone or tablet might, you instinctively reach out at certain times. Otherwise, you just stick to the trackpad. It's a great balance.
Mind you, neither the Web nor the browser-based Chrome OS have become finger-friendly overnight. Buttons and links are still itty-bitty. It's a trackpad-and-mouse world and the Pixel just lives in it. I must admit that I have inadvertently scrolled or selected something while simply trying to point out an item on my screen to someone.
Thanks to my habit of alternating between lotions and hand sanitizer, every phone I handle is left with so many smudges on its screen that you'd think it was attacked by a sticky-handed toddler, but, strangely enough, the Pixel's screen seemed to be impervious to smudging during the time I used it.
Like a sneaky gray kitten, the Pixel runs so quietly that you might forget that it's there. And even more importantly: No matter how many tabs or windows are open, the laptop runs smoothly.
The keyboard will feel familiar to those who, like me, are used to Apple's. It is a bit firmer though, in the most satisfying of ways. (And yes, like other Chromebooks, the Pixel's Caps Lock key is replaced by a handy-dandy Search key.)
The Pixel's speakers are surprisingly loud and clear. You wouldn't expect the speakers on a laptop of this size to pack quite so much oomph. The rest of the laptop's body is equally impressive. The Pixel's got an anodized aluminium alloy body and it keeps vents, screws, and speakers as hidden as possible. No distractions ? just a slick, clean exterior hiding a dual-core 1.8GHz processor, 4GB of RAM, 32GB of solid state storage (64GB if you opt for the LTE-enabled model), a 720p webcam, and all the usual laptop guts.
"If you love the Pixel so much, why don't you just marry it? You could be Rosa Golijan-Pixel," someone out there is shouting at this point. Like I said, buddy, this laptop's certainly not for everyone. Are you able to live in the browser and cloud?
And if you are sold on the Chrome OS, does having a touchscreen with an high pixel-density valuable justify the Pixel's high price? After all, Acer's Chromebook, with its dated hardware and clunky exterior, sells for a budget-minded $199.
Starting at $1,299, the Chromebook Pixel is considerably more of an investment. And you can step up to an LTE-enabled model with 64GB of solid state memory for $1,449. Both models come with one terabyte of Google Drive cloud storage for three years and 12 free GoGo in-flight Internet passes. The LTE-enabled model also comes with a free 100MB of data through Verizon Wireless per month for two years.
Want more tech news or interesting links? You'll get plenty of both if you keep up with Rosa Golijan, the writer of this post, by following her on Twitter, subscribing to her Facebook posts, or circling her on Google+.
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ANAHEIM, Calif. -- UFC 157's preliminary card started with a bang and ended with a snoozer on Saturday.
Dennis Bermudez took a tight split decision in a fight that will go down as a fight of the year candidate. He won it 29-28, 28-29, 29-28 over Matt Grice.
Bermudez fell into full mount early in the round and rained punches down on Grice's head, but Grice got out and came back late in the round by leveling Bermudez with a left hook.
But it's the third round of the fight that the MMA world will remember. Bermudez threw everything but the kitchen sink at Grice, but Grice hung in. He continued to throw kicks and punches at Bermudez right up until the horn sounded and a grateful crowd in Anaheim came to its feet.
?That was insane. Somewhere around the second round I woke up and thought 'Oh, I?m in a fight, I think I am in California somewhere'," Bermudez said. "If he?d given me a reason, maybe I would have quit. I had that battle inside me where I maybe could have [quit] but I won that battle and from there got back into the fight."
Brendan Schaub used takedowns, and little else, to beat Lavar Johnson 30-27 on all the judges cards in the final fight of the prelims. With the crowd booing, Schaub repeatedly took down Johnson, who had little takedown defense.
Michael Chiesa continued his unbeaten streak with a rear naked choked of Anton Kuivanen. Chiesa rolled through to get into perfect position. He sunk in a rear naked choke that turned Kuivanen's face red. Kuivanen tapped at 2:29 in the second round.
Sam Stout managed another decision win, taking the split 29-28, 28-29 over Caros Fodor. 14 of his fights have ended with judges cards being read, and this decision put his record to 19-8.
Kenny Robertson made quick work of Brock Jardine. He stopped him with a knee bar at 2:57 in the first round.
"Sometime you gotta go with what you are handed. He was on top of me but didn?t have a great posture," Robertson said after the fight. "I saw the opening, so I grabbed his leg and hyper-extended it and he verbally submitted. I?ll take it. It is a first round win in the UFC."
For the card's opener, Nah-Shon Burrell and Yuri Villefort put on a thrilling bout that ended with Burrell taking the decision 30-27, 29-28, 29-28. Villefort had a strong first round, grabbing Burrell for two different submission attempts. But Burrell fought back in the second round, busting up Villefort's face with smart boxing. In the final round, Villefort grabbed a heel hook, but left his face open. Burrell used the opportunity to punch Villefort several time.
After the thriller by Burrell and Villefort, Neil Magny and Jon Manley's bout was a let down for the crowd in Anaheim. They spent much of the bout in a clinch, with Manley trying for a takedown that never came. Magny took the bout with better striking as the bout wore on.
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rancisco Gasc? under the direction of Mike Taylor and Matt Wedel
Plant-eating dinosaurs called sauropods had the longest necks in the animal kingdom. Here an adult Brontomerus mother.
By Charles Choi, LiveScience
How did the largest of all dinosaurs evolve necks longer than any other creature that has ever lived? One secret: mostly hollow neck bones, researchers say.
The largest creatures to ever walk the Earth were the long-necked, long-tailed dinosaurs known as the sauropods. These vegetarians had by far the longest necks of any known animal. The dinosaurs' necks reached up to 50 feet (15 meters) in length, six times longer than that of the current world-record holder, the giraffe, and at least five times longer than those of any other animal that has lived on land.
"They were really stupidly, absurdly oversized," said researcher Michael Taylor, a vertebrate paleontologist at the University of Bristol in England. "In our feeble, modern world, we're used to thinking of elephants as big, but sauropods reached 10 times the size elephants do. They were the size of walking whales."
Amazing necks
To find out how sauropod necks could get so long, scientists analyzed other long-necked creatures and compared sauropod anatomy with that of the dinosaurs' nearest living relatives, the birds and crocodilians.
"Extinct animals ? and living animals, too, for that matter ? are much more amazing than we realize," Taylor told LiveScience. "Time and again, people have proposed limits to possible animal sizes, like the five-meter (16-foot) wingspan that was supposed to be the limit for flying animals. And time and again, they've been blown away. We now know of flying pterosaurs with 10-meter (33-foot) wingspans. And these extremes are achieved by a startling array of anatomical innovations." [ Image Gallery: 25 Amazing Ancient Beasts ]
Among living animals, adult bull giraffes have the longest necks, capable of reaching about 8 feet (2.4 m) long. No other living creature exceeds half this length. For instance, ostriches typically have necks only about 3 feet (1 m) long.
When it comes to extinct animals, the largest land-living mammal of all time was the rhino-like creature Paraceratherium, which had a neck maybe 8.2 feet (2.5 m) long. The flying reptiles known as pterosaurs could also have surprisingly long necks, such as Arambourgiania, whose neck may have exceeded 10 feet (3 m).
The necks of the Loch Ness Monster-like marine reptiles known as plesiosaurs could reach an impressive 23 feet (7 m), probably because the water they lived in could support their weight. But these necks were still less than half the lengths of the longest-necked sauropods.
Sauropod secrets
In their study, Taylor and his colleagues found that the neck bones of sauropods possessed a number of traits that supported such long necks. For instance, air often made up 60 percent of these animals' necks, with some as light as birds' bones, making it easier to support long chains of the bones. The muscles, tendons and ligaments were also positioned around these vertebrae in a way that helped maximize leverage, making neck movements more efficient.
In addition, the dinosaurs' giant torsos and four-legged stances helped provide a stable platform for their necks. In contrast, giraffes have relatively small torsos, while ostriches have two-legged stances. [ Image Gallery: Animals' Amazing Headgear ]
Sauropods also had plenty of neck vertebrae, up to 19. In contrast, nearly all mammals have no more than seven, from mice to whales to giraffes, limiting how long their necks can get. (The only exceptions among mammals are sloths and aquatic mammals known as sirenians, such as manatees.)
Moreover, while pterosaur Arambourgiania had a relatively giant head with long, spear-like jaws that it likely used to help capture prey, sauropods had small, light heads that were easy to support. These dinosaurs did not chew their meals, lacking even cheeks to store food in their mouths; they merely swallowed it, letting their guts break it down.
"Sauropod heads are essentially all mouth. The jaw joint is at the very back of the skull, and they didn't have cheeks, so they came pretty close to having Pac Man-Cookie Monster flip-top heads," researcher Mathew Wedel at the Western University of Health Sciences in Pomona, Calif., told LiveScience.
"It's natural to wonder if the lack of chewing didn't, well, come back to bite them, in terms of digestive efficiency. But some recent work on digestion in large animals has shown that after about 3 days, animals have gotten all the nutrition they can from their food, regardless of particle size.
"And sauropods were so big that the food would have spent that long going through them anyway," Wedel said. "They could stop chewing entirely, with no loss of digestive efficiency."
What's a long neck good for?
Furthermore, sauropods and other dinosaurs probably could breathe like birds, drawing fresh air through their lungs continuously, instead of having to breathe out before breathing in to fill their lungs with fresh air like mammals do. This may have helped sauropods get vital oxygen down their long necks to their lungs.
"The problem of breathing through a long tube is something that's very hard for mammals to do. Just try it with a length of garden hose," Taylor said.
As to why sauropods evolved such long necks, there are currently three theories. Some of the dinosaurs may have used their long necks to feed on high leaves, like giraffes do. Others may have used their necks to graze on large swaths of vegetation by sweeping the ground side to side like geese do. This helped them make the most out of every step, which would be a big deal for such heavy creatures.
Scientists have also suggested that long necks may have been sexually attractive, therefore driving the evolution of ever-longer necks; however, Taylor and his colleagues have found no evidence this was the case.
In the future, the researchers plan to delve even deeper into the mysteries of sauropod necks. For instance, Apatosaurus , formerly known as Brontosaurus, had "really sensationally strange neck vertebrae," Taylor said. The scientists suspect the necks of Apatosaurus were used for "combat between males ? fighting over women, of course."
Taylor and Wedel detailed their findings online Feb. 12 in the journal PeerJ.
Follow LiveScience on Twitter @livescience. We're also on Facebook ?& Google+.?
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James Cromwell was formally charged on February 22, 2013 for Disorderly Conduct. Why?
The Board of Regents of the University of Wisconsin-Madison got a shock at their February 7th meeting when they were unexpectedly faced with the glaring censure of actor James Cromwell over their continued animal experimentation on cats.
Cromwell, a known animal advocate and PETA activist entered the meeting uninvited with another activist (Jeremy Beckham) and, holding up large graphic images of a UW tortured lab cat named Double Trouble (who was later decapitated), shouted ?This is not science, it?s torture! Shame on you!?
The story of UW?s horrific treatment of the orange tabby was first reported here in September of 2012 ? Animal Experiments continue at University of Wisconsin despite AWA violations. The article outlines the brutal experiments performed on Double Trouble. ??during a series of highly invasive surgeries?during which she woke up on more than one occasion?Double Trouble had steel coils implanted in her eyes, a stainless steel post screwed into her skull, and electrodes inserted in her brain. UW faculty then applied a toxic chemical to her ears to deafen her and implanted electrical devices deep inside both of her ears?), but whatever outcome they were trying to achieve failed and they put the cat down after forcing her to endure these tests, and decapitated her for further research.?
The PETA files quotes ?I think a lot of people got out their phones and took photographs,? Cromwell told the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel on Thursday. ?I?m sure it?ll go viral, and that?s why I?m here.?
UMW receives upwards of $300 million a year to experiment on animals. Animal experimentation is an over $100 billion a year industry worldwide.
The bottom line for UW-Madison seems to be money. Perhaps it takes an Academy Award nominated actor to shine a spotlight on unnecessary and cruel animal experimentation. (Cromwell is known for his roles in Babe, I, Robot, The Green Mile, and most recently on the hit TV series American Horror Story)
With the world watching as Cromwell intended, and continued protests from advocates and activists alike, it is hoped that UW will finally end their Mary Shelley-esque experiments on these cats, and all animals once and for all.
The charges against Cromwell and Beckham are not considered criminal, but they do carry up to a $1000 fine.
That?ll do, James Cromwell. That?ll do.
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M. Gwynn has authored two books, Harvest and The Cat Who Wanted to be a Reindeer on Amazon.com .
All articles by Michele Gwynn are under copyright and cannot be re-posted whole without written consent by the author. Partial re-posting with a link back to the original article is permitted. For consent, questions, or comments, email megwynn@msn.com.
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?"It is not the critic who counts; not the man who points out how the strong man stumbles, or where the doer of deeds could have done them better. The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena, whose face is marred by dust and sweat and blood; who strives valiantly; who errs, who comes short again and again, because there is no effort without error and shortcoming; but who does actually strive to do the deeds; who knows great enthusiasms, the great devotions; who spends himself in a worthy cause; who at the best knows in the end the triumph of high achievement, and who at the worst, if he fails, at least fails while daring greatly, so that his place shall never be with those cold and timid souls who neither know victory nor defeat." ?? -- Theodore Roosevelt, April 23, 1910
?When the people fear their government,??there is tyranny.?
???When the government fears the people,??there is liberty.??
-- Thomas Jefferson
?During times of universal deceit,? telling the truth ?
?becomes a revolutionary act.??-- George Orwell
?First they ignore you, then they ridicule you, then they fight you,
then you win.??-- Mahatma Gandhi
Source: http://www.orlytaitzesq.com/?p=394736
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NEW YORK (AP) ? Put on your suit and tie: Justin Timberlake and Jay-Z are hitting the road together.
The performers announced Friday that they'll embark on a 12-city stadium tour that will kick off July 17 in Toronto. "Legends of the Summer" will wrap up Aug. 16 in Miami.
Stops on the tour also include New York, Los Angeles, Chicago, Philadelphia and Boston.
Jay-Z is featured on Timberlake's comeback single, "Suit & Tie." Timberlake's new album, "The 20/20 Experience," will be released March 19.
Source: http://news.yahoo.com/justin-timberlake-jay-z-announce-joint-tour-161606397.html
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Don't Gamble, Earn More On Returns Safely and Trade With Confidence Get ready for a whole new way of looking at your investments. You can stop worrying about the economy and the so-called recession because this "underground" trader is about to tell you how... With My System You Can Make Money from the Stock Market During the Recession... No Matter How Bad the Economy Gets! And You Can Do It In 15 Minutes a Day! It's time to STOP watching your portfolio shrink, and START doing something about it! Keep reading to discover exactly how to create a huge monthly income by making a killing from the market REGARDLESS of whether it goes up or down! (This is NOT just for "Traders". This is also for ANYONE who has money in the stock market, or who wants to START making real money from the market... even if you've never made a trade in your life.) (NOTE: The course contains FULL SIZE videos so you can see exactly what is happening.) ? From: Bauser Moretti Date: Penny Stock Castaways FREE 137 Page eBook Little known technique produces surging profits First Name: Email: We respect your email privacy ? Dear future "elite" trader, Let me tell you something I hate, and then I'll tell you something I love. I HATE seeing good people lose money in the stock market. Nobody likes losing money. I've been there and done that. Perhaps that's why I have compassion for the millions of people who are currently losing so much of their financial worth. People are losing their stock portfolios, losing their 401k's, losing their jobs due to the sour economy, and just generally getting spanked by Wall Street. Unfortunately, I can't help the "masses" avoid financial loss. It's just a part of how the game is played. Someone is always going to lose money. However, I CAN help those who are willing to help themselves. And since you're here reading this page, that includes you :-) In other words, someone is always going to lose money, but that "someone" DOESN'T have to be you! And what do I love? I LOVE empowering people to achieve success in their lives. So I guess that this love and hate are what motivated me to create the The Profitology Trading System for you. You will NOT find this system being taught by ANYONE else, and it absolutely has the potential to drastically change your life for the better! However, I'm NOT going to feed you a bunch of "get rich quick" hype, because that's not what the course is about, nor is it my style. Instead, I'm going to get straight to the point and just tell you... What this course is all about What it will do for you What is included And how you'll be able to access it This Has Been 20 YEARS In The Making! First, I want you to know that this program was NOT just conceived in the last few weeks and packaged as a product to sell. This course is the result and culmination of 20 years of thinking, planning, learning and practicing the material that you will receive. The reason why I decided to teach you my methods is revealed in this letter. I'm not going to hide anything. I want to be very clear from the outset... Unlike many people who teach options and growth stocks, I am NOT a former market maker or specialist or a licensed professional in the financial industry. I am a retail investor just like you. The difference is that I found a way to be successful and profitable trading stocks and options as a REAL business from my home office. The business methods I use?are also used?by professional hedge fund managers and market professionals who rarely, if ever, talk about their strategies. So you're probably asking yourself, "Why would he give away these secrets?" To answer that question, I will tell you that there are three reasons why I want to teach you this business... 1) There's no reason not to teach you my secrets. Seriously. I have nothing to lose. The markets are huge and worldwide and anyone can trade them without decreasing the opportunity. In fact it would only make things better. The more traders, the more money we can make and the more liquid the market becomes. It's really a win-win-win. Unlike other businesses - such as the one I have been involved in for the last 9 years (Internet marketing)- this business only gets BETTER as more people?do it. 2) I am a business person but I am also?a teacher. I have been teaching people how to use the Internet to start a business since 1999.?I have taught thousands of people how to make their living online so?teaching is?something I love to do. There are not many people who really understand this business and are willing to teach it to others. 3) Frankly, a little extra money from selling this course means more I can put to good use in my?trading business. Obviously I put my money where I get the largest return for the amount invested.?Most of the?money I make from selling this course goes directly into my trading business. I don't know what your abilities are or how fast you can learn this business as I teach it, so I will never tell you how much you could make but 5% (or much more) per month is a very reachable goal. Returns can be as high as 62.5%?(ROM) - that's $1,000 for every $1,600 invested. But let me explain why this course is different from anything you may have seen before... Most people think the markets are too risky and their approach is "Hit or Miss", pure speculation, or worse... GAMBLING! I will tell you right now... my trading system is NOT gambling! Bottom line: I treat trading as a real business. In fact, I don't even consider myself to be an 'investor' or 'speculator' or 'trader' in the traditional sense. The truth is, and this is exactly how I see myself: I am an entrepreneur. As an entrepreneur I seek opportunities in the market as well as?engage in buying and selling activities to generate the highest return on my investment and then simply manage my risk. My product is options and growth stocks. I buy and sell them to make money. All businesses buy and sell to make money - I just do it with stocks and options. All good businesses manage based on numbers and ratios - I do the same thing - I manage by the numbers! All businesses plan for profits and?create opportunities?for the largest return on investment (ROI) possible - I do too, except I?create opportunities?for the largest return on margin (ROM). I know exactly what my maximum profits are going to be before I place a trade. I don't guess or speculate - I have a plan. Then I simply manage the position and, if necessary, adjust my positions to remain profitable?or cut my losses through smart risk management technics and collect my profits at the end of the trading cycle (monthly). This is an "Evergreen Business". Even as the markets shift, and the economy changes... this system will always work! This business will never change...?the principles, once you learn them, are yours forever. You could learn these and hand them down to your children and grandchildren. The basics of this business will never change because the underlying the principles will never change. That's why I call?it an 'evergreen' business. Unlike franchises or other types of consumer or business-to-business markets, the stock and option markets?have been around for hundreds of years. And even though the markets move and change in some ways, the principles have been the same for the past 200+ years. How did I discover how to start a stock?and option business? One day I woke up one day to find a little extra cash sitting in a money market earning 1.5% a year. The next year it was earning 3%... wow - 3% a year. I felt my money should be put to better and more productive use and I started looking into all kinds of franchise opportunities and other businesses to invest in... but they all had one drawback - the financial investment was large but so was the investment of time... something I really didn't have as a father of four. So after years of 'hit or miss' trading I started thinking about?trading as a real business about 2 1/2 years ago?- buying and selling?stocks and options as?a 'business'. I didn't know if it could be done, but the idea intrigued me. I knew somebody, somewhere was making a killing in the markets and I was determined to find them, learn everything they know and make a killing of my own. I was determined to run my?trading as a business, not as a gambler, and that meant looking at opportunities,?supply and demand, marketplace dynamics and managing my business based on solid business fundamentals: profit, loss, expenses, overhead and return on investment. Like any business my only concern was to buy something that I could sell at a profit - and with enough of a profit margin so that my expenses (although small) were covered leaving me with a consistent and reliable income. The business of trading has all of these advantages. Once you know the system, this business can be managed in 15 minutes a day. It has all the makings of the 'perfect' business! The problem with creating a business based on the markets is that it seems like they are consistently changing and there is a lot of risk! As you know, the markets go up one day and down the next! I was really confused which way the market would turn, and since I hated the idea of losing money I tried to "predict" the market's direction because that's how I THOUGHT money was made. I got really, really good at 'technical analysis'... I THOUGHT that it held the key to profits... if I could tell where the market was headed it would be easy to make money, right? I learned all about waves and candle sticks, MACD, ADX, CCI, Bollinger Bands and Fibonacci and hundreds of chart 'patterns'... and I thought I 'knew' something' about the future of the market! Frankly, technical indicators are like crutches - they only help to support and validate your trading ideas already formed in your mind. They do not help you become a better trader or see the reality of the market. There are only 3 technical indicators you need to run this business: support, resistance and trend lines. That's' it. We keep it simple. Simple makes me money. I also discovered the TOP 1% of all traders do the EXACT opposite of what I tried to do when I first got started (predict the market)... The fact is... Top traders NEVER try to predict the market they only manage risk. Most of the elite traders don't care if the market goes up or down - they make money either way. They use charts sparingly. All top traders do is manage?their risk?and take advantage of the only truths of the market - the ONLY absolute truths of the market. For stocks that ONE Absolute Truth is this: 1) All stocks fluctuate in price. For options there are two Absolute Truths: 1) All options fluctuate in price and 2) All options expire. The top traders learn to respect these rules because they are the ONLY truths of the market. You might think there are other truths but there aren't-- Everything you hear about the market outside these 2 rules is hearsay, opinion, commentary and even complete fantasy. Of course you will never hear anyone on CNBC even mention these 2 rules because they would have nothing to report! Can you imagine Maria Bartiromo saying, "Prices fluctuated today. Have a nice evening everyone! I'm outta here!" I don't think so! So the top traders respect these rules because they are so powerful and it helps them cut through the 'market noise'. Then they design their trading business around these rules to TAKE ADVANTAGE of them. Once they see an opportunity they jump on it and simply manage?their business?'by the numbers' and, for me it takes 15 minutes - sometimes less - a day. How much can you make? Frankly, it depends on your capital, ability to learn, and your ability to maintain your discipline in this business. Don't be concerned about how much you have to start your investment business (even though I had a considerable amount of money I could invest, I started mine with a small amount so I could learn this business). Just learn the skills and reinvest your profits - they will grow quickly. Have you lost your CONFIDENCE? If you've lost money in the market it can destroy your confidence. My system will allow you to trade with 100% confidence again because instead of hoping to make a profit by guessing what to do, you'll have a plan. Remember what I said at the top of this letter... this is not about hype. I will never guarantee you will make money with this business because I can't tell how you'll use the information that I'm going share with you. Your success in your investment business depends on only one thing: The decisions YOU make. The only way for you to make the right decisions is by having superior knowledge. Once you understand how to REALLY make money, you will trade with total confidence. That's what I can do for you and I do not say it lightly, it's true. Also, I cannot give you official investment advice because I am not an investment adviser registered with the SEC and I am not a CFP (certified financial planner), so if you watch the videos and you see me trading a certain ETF or stock please do not interpret it as a recommendation. I can show you exactly what I do, and how I do it. I'll teach you virtually everything I know about this business; but the actual decisions you make with your money is up to only one person: You. I can tell you with a high degree of certainty though - There is no one who will tell you what I will share with you. No one. You could pay $5,000 or more to attend the top trading seminars, and you still won't learn what I'm going to teach you! I went to a $5,000 'high level', 'super advanced' seminar last year put on by a 25 year veteran - a former floor trader and market maker in options on the CBOE. I went to another 2 years ago that costs $3,000 and I got one tip from it - how to tell if a stock is in a "channel"... no kidding, that was it! 3,000 dollars! What I'm going to teach you will blow away anything that I learned in any of these seminars. I'm not kidding. In fact, I'd say, in truth, they were almost a waste of my money. I say 'almost' because they did help a little but?they lacked practical application of the knowledge they presented - it was mostly theory that left the attendee no better off, in practical terms, than they were when they started. This?course is?the real deal... It really works and very few people (even?professionals)?teach anyone how to do this. I know this for a fact because I've talked to some of the pros, and either they don't know this system, or else they are not willing to admit it. But there are a few guys who really know this stuff inside and out (one guy is sort of teaching this and the others are not teaching it at all). I found them and picked their brain over and over until I figured it out and came up with a system based on what they told me. Most of them didn't even know how to explain what they do-- it's like instinct to them and they couldn't express what they did in a step-by-step coherent way, so I really had pull it out of them. Then I put together what I learned, and came up with a complete business system that anyone can follow. I'll just say that I think it will surprise you how profitable and easy it is to run - and just 15 minutes a day is all you need. On the other hand, if you want to make this a full-time business - you can! There are plenty of opportunities to make even more money if you have more time to devote to this business. So let's see if you're the right kind of person to take this course: Have you been in the market as an investor and been disappointed with the results? Do you stay away from the markets because you think they are too risky? Are you confused by technical and fundamental analysis? Would you like to stop GUESSING which direction the markets are going, and take the professional approach to trading as a business? Does the idea of managing your business 'by the numbers' make sense to you? Does the idea of trading stocks and options as a real business sound good to you? If you answered 'YES' to any ONE or more of the questions above, I think you would be a good candidate for this training. Here's what you'll be getting in the course... There are a total of 41 videos within the course. The videos are grouped into several "Modules", with each Module containing 'hands-on' videos walking you through the topics covered. We use videos because you can SEE exactly what to do as you learn, and you can watch them over and over again (if necessary) to review and build your understanding. You can watch these videos directly on your computer...?we will give you a username and password to access them anytime of the day or night - whenever it's convenient for your schedule. In addition, you will have permanent access to these videos and you will also receive any new ones we add at a later date! The Modules in the course include: 1. INTRODUCTION TO TRADING AS A BUSINESS?& TRADING WITH CONFIDENCE This Module is designed to introduce you to a new way to trade stocks and options?- as a business. Emphasis is on risk management and building a portfolio of trades that can be managed 'by the numbers'. Learning the craft, acquiring the skills required to be successful in this business. This Module contains over 4 hours of great teaching! 2. THE GREEKS - MANAGING BY THE NUMBERS The 'greeks' play a critical role in your trading business. I totally de-mystify them and tell you exactly what the greeks are and, in practical, easy to understand language demonstrate how they impact your business. The greeks are the numbers you need to understand to manage your portfolio profitably. Special report included! I'm also including the most comprehensive, yet easy to read 5 page CONFIDENTIAL REPORT on how to profit from "The Greeks" available in the world (yes, the world, and no, I'm not kidding). 3. TRADE SELECTION AND STRATEGY We've set the stage, now it's time to get on with the work at hand. This is where things get good and interesting. What positions do we take? How do we determine when and how? Do 'charts' matter? What is the big picture behind what we're doing? This Module goes in depth with FIVE videos covering EEM, ADSK, DIA, SPY, and IWM (Don't worry, you'll understand it all later!) 4. PORTFOLIO BUILDING Build a portfolio by putting on positions that work together. This is where many traders go wrong - they put on individual positions and do not understand how they affect your overall portfolio. You'll discover why diversification in time frames, prices and strategies is a key to making money. This is simply fundamental to being a good investor. 5. THE TOOLS OF THE TRADE ThinkorSwim (TOS), in my opinion is the best broker and has the best trading platform available. If you had to pay separately for the kind of analysis tools they give you as an account holder it would cost you many hundreds of dollars a month in fees - with TOS they're free. I take you inside the TOS platform and help you access the power you have at your finger tips. (There are other programs/software that you can use to analyze your trades, but TOS is also free when you open an account.) 6. PORTFOLIO MANAGEMENT BY THE GREEKS, ADJUSTMENTS, VIX and More... Now that we have built our portfolio, how do we manage it by the numbers? We learned the greeks, so now it's time to put them into action. The key to success is knowing how to look at the numbers and know, without a doubt, what they mean and what to do with them if anything. This module includes 5 killer videos with real life examples as I manage a portfolio. 7. THE ART OF ADJUSTMENTS - THE SECRET KEY What happens when our numbers don't look good? This is where 99% of all traders get killed in the market... they have no clue what to do when a position goes against them and they lose money. It's too bad because most trades can be saved to make a profit! Imagine making one small change to your position and increasing your odds of making a profit by 80%! That's what adjusting can do for you! In Trading As A Business, we KNOW what to do. We trade with confidence. We know and understand that when a trade goes against us it's an OPPORTUNITY to add to our portfolio by adjusting. I call it Smart Allocation of Capital. The art of adjustments is the missing link in trading options and stocks that almost no one teaches. 8. CLOSING POSITIONS How and when to close positions, and how to close them for maximum profits. The risks of holding positions into expiration week. When and how to 'buy' short-term insurance to protect your profits and increase your wealth in expiration week. How to close positions and get free trades left over that, although small, have a chance of DOUBLING our profits. This module contains 5 videos, and the key theme here is MAXIMIZING our profits! 9. THE BIG PICTURE - TECHNICAL ANALYSIS What kinds of technical analysis help us in our business? There are only a few key analysis tools that can help you determine the probabilities of market direction and I tell you exactly what those are. I'll give you insights into why the market moves the way it does. I'll also give you a historical perspective on market movements going back to 1900 and give you a realistic plan of attack for determining future market direction based on factual evidence. In the 2nd video, I dive into short-term indicators that can sharpen your edge in the markets to better time your trades. Then I tell you about an indicator I stumbled on, that predicts short-term and opening market direction with an amazing degree of accuracy close to 95% of the time as well as how to determine intra-day movements and how to tell whether money is flowing into or out of stocks and what it means for intra-day price trends. This module contains well over 3 hours of solid teaching. 10. ADVANCED TECHNIQUES AND EXPLOSIVE WEALTH BUILDING STRATEGIES Not even one of these strategies requires any knowledge of 'technical analysis' - it can help, but it's not required. These make money whether the market goes up or down. These are strategies you can manage based on 'the numbers'. One important thing I should mention: There are ways to make money that are NOT obvious. For example, Strategy #1 is something I have been studying for years, and it works every time and cannot fail to work. ? 11. Explosive Strategy #1 Using this one method I turned a $14,000 trade into a $75,000 profit in just 8 months. The most money at risk? Just $650. That was the total amount that was at risk when this position was initiated and NO more money was ever put into the position. Amazing profit/loss ratio. And it doesn't matter if the stock goes up or down but does require an longer time frame- 6 to 8 months. It is not uncommon for these trades to create the profits you can brag about. Want to make a killing in the market? It doesn't get any better than this. 12. Explosive Strategy #2 Another method I call "Flipping Stocks" let's me buy stocks cheaper than anyone else and if the market does not cooperate with my plan - I get paid lots of money for waiting until it does! This is for bigger players with more capital... but when you have $15k or more to put to work, these longer term trades generate explosive profits. I teach it to you in a nice 52 minute video 13. Explosive Strategy #3 This new strategy that has unlimited upside or downside potential and only $50 or so of risk! This strategy is extremely powerful and one of the biggest real 'secrets' that no one has ever discussed that I know of. Wait till you see the power of this strategy. You can make $1000's with a total risk of $50 or so. It's extremely powerful. Think there's no free-lunch on Wall Street? This isn't one either but it's as close as it gets to one! This is the perfect strategy for playing earnings reports, takeover news stocks and any stock you think will move big in any direction with little risk. 14. Explosive Strategy #4 If you want to be more active in stocks but hate the risk, you'll love this. Day trade without the risk normally associated with day trading. Can be setup to be an 'semi-automated' trading system. Very powerful and again another low risk, high earning strategy for more active participants. This strategy includes 9 videos, and I take you through some real life trades over the course of 7 days and show you exactly how I make thousands of dollars with these trades. I've also included 3 worksheets (Excel spreadsheets) for your convenience! 15. Explosive Strategy #5 If you liked the idea of the monthly income trades but were wondering how to 'turbo charge' them to make a fortune, then you will love THIS. Instead of $1000-$2000 a month you could start generating an income in the $5,000 to $40,000 a month range after learning this and with a lot less stress while trading as 'big' as you want. This last strategy is the 'icing' on the cake... the peak moment in all your hard study and will be worth 100 times what you paid for this course - maybe even more. Why didn't I reveal this until the very end of the course? Simple: You would not be able to use this strategy without a good foundation that was laid out in the earlier Modules. Everything we have learned thus far has been leading up to these explosive strategies. This Course Contains Over 40 Videos... Totaling Over 24 HOURS Of Me Teaching! The videos and modules are very well organized in an easy-to-navigate membership area, and they are sequenced in a perfectly logical order so that you can learn the system one step at a time. As I mentioned previously, you will not find this material anywhere else. The course will be delivered to you 100% online. I'M INCLUDING TWO FORMATS FOR YOUR CONVENIENCE: 1) Online Streaming. You can stream the videos directly in your browser (Flash videos, which are compatible with virtually all browsers), so you don't have to download anything if you don't want to. 2) Downloadable. You can also download the full resolution videos? directly to your computer. This allows us to provide you with the highest quality and clearest videos for you to watch. You may make one copy of these videos on a storage device (CD, DVD or external drive) but may not allow anyone else to view, copy or share them. They are for your use only. (with the exception of your spouse)?. So... what's the price? I've made this incredibly affordable so you can learn it without any serious financial stress. As I mentioned I have been to seminars for $3,000 and $5,000 and you will get much more from this course than both of those combined. I've also seen one trading course that charges $7,500 just for online access to learn the basics of options! So right there, you can see that the VALUE of this course is easily in the thousands. But I'm not done adding value yet :-) If you join today, you'll also receive these FOUR fast action bonuses... FAST ACTION BONUS #1 Inside Days Strategy Video (69 minutes) + Ebook $147.00 Value - Yours free when you join today! I created this mini-course to teach a very powerful indicator in the market, which can show you how to set yourself up for explosive profits. I use this strategy to rake in the profits time and time again. FAST ACTION BONUS #2 "Xtreme Trading" Video (50 minutes) $97.00 Value - Yours free when you join today! As you may have noticed, while I do cover some day trading in the main course, it is is NOT a "day trading course". However, I am able to apply my principles to a certain type of day trading, and I use this powerful strategy to grab profits on demand. This 50 minute video will show you exactly how I do it. FAST ACTION BONUS #3 58 Free Back Editions of the Daily Market Review $197.00 Value - Yours free when you join today! Each of these reviews is a downloadable video, so you'll be getting many extra hours of my top notch content. As if you're not already getting enough! (this is in addition to the 24 hours of videos you're already getting...). FAST ACTION BONUS #4 Monthly Trader Alerts $150.00 Value - Yours free when you join today! Each month I will email you a special trader alert with information about a trade I'm making, or other "inside info" to help you profit from the CURRENT market conditions, whatever they may be. You're just seconds away from getting full access to the complete course. Sign up now and you'll be on your way to trading success! Okay, so now I've just added $591.00 worth of bonuses onto the course. Considering that the course itself is easily worth thousands, and even the bonuses are worth over $500, I decided to price the course at $1000.00. I hope you will agree that it's a very fair and reasonable price for the entire package. However, I know that the economy has dealt a hard blow to many of the people who need this information the most. Therefore, I want to make it as easy as possible for you to become a member today. Instead of the normal price of $1000.00, I'm slashing the price like a crazed ninja! If you join today, you can have complete access to the entire program for... $1,000.00 $497.00 Only $97 Today! NO UPSELLS ?and? No "One Time Offers" But this is a limited time offer. As I will explain below, I really need to limit the number of members I allow into the program, and if I sell it too cheap for too long, it will fill up too quickly and I'll be swamped with questions from new customers. Therefore, I'm setting a strict limit, and if we don't completely sell out, the price will continue to go up! That's not a misprint. I'm going to give you FULL access to this potentially life-changing program for only one payment of? $397 Only $97 Today! You don't have to get all the material. You will get the entire thing INSTANTLY when you join today. Also, I want to let you know that there are NO UPSELLS. There are No "One Time Offers", or anything else that you just have to buy to complete the course. You are getting the FULL course. Initially I had considered breaking it into pieces and charging extra for the super-powerful strategies contained toward the end of the course, but I decided that you should have the ENTIRE thing, and I'm going to give it ALL to you in one membership. Remember, you're getting... MORE THAN 40 VIDEOS IN THE COURSE (Plus 60 Bonus Videos) OVER 24 HOURS OF TEACHING! (Plus more in the bonus videos) Most of the other (not mine) online "educational" products out there for "learning how to trade" consist of cheesy ebooks, with little or no helpful content. So please don't go wasting another $97 (or whatever) on yet another ebook that won't help you get to where you want to be! Instead, invest in this course which will truly put the knowledge into your hands and into your mind. My course has everything needed to teach you how to make money like a pro with stocks and options. But you'll need to act fast. I want to ensure an optimal quality experience for each and every one of my customers, which means I can not sell too many memberships. For one thing, I want to make sure I'm able to answer as many of your questions as possible, and that won't be possible if I allow too many people to join. Second, I'm going to make sure that the membership area does not get bogged down by too many members. I insist that the downloads are nice and fast, so I will need to limit the membership. The doors may be closing at any time, so please grab your spot now if this is something you would like to be a part of. ? Are you ready to start making a killing from the market, regardless of whether it's going up or down? Yes, I want to make money with stocks and options! Yes, I want to grab a spot in this very limited membership! Yes, I want instant access to the entire program + bonuses. Yes, I want it now before the price goes up! (This offer is ending soon) ? 1 PAYMENT OF ONLY $97 TODAY! (With no more payments ever.) INSTANT ACCESS! ? Trade with confidence! ? Bauser Moretti Questions? Email us at: support@tornadotradingsystem.com P.S.-? You could attempt to learn this by trial and error on your own, but I assure you it will be a MUCH more costly "education" than the one I'm offering you today for a very reasonable price. It cost me years of frustration, bad trades, and huge financial losses before I figured out the "secret" system. I've watched too many smart yet "uneducated" people lose their shirts in the stock market, and I don't want to see that happen to you. PLEASE... if you're going to invest your money anywhere, get my course so you can avoid the pain. I'll show you how to trade the low-risk, profitable way that will bring you profits regardless of whether the stock market is going up or down :-) ? ? ? EARNINGS DISCLAIMER EVERY EFFORT HAS BEEN MADE TO ACCURATELY REPRESENT THIS PRODUCT AND ITS POTENTIAL. THERE IS NO GUARANTEE THAT YOU WILL EARN ANY MONEY USING THE TECHNIQUES AND IDEAS OR SOFTWARE PROVIDED WITH THIS WEBSITE. EXAMPLES IN THIS PAGE ARE NOT TO BE INTERPRETED AS A PROMISE OR GUARANTEE OF EARNINGS. EARNING POTENTIAL IS ENTIRELY DEPENDENT ON THE PERSON USING THE INFORMATION INCLUDED TO THIS PAGE, THE IDEAS AND THE TECHNIQUES. WE DO NOT PURPORT THIS AS A GET RICH SCHEME. YOUR LEVEL OF SUCCESS IN ATTAINING THE RESULTS CLAIMED IN THIS PAGE DEPENDS ON THE TIME YOU DEVOTE TO THE IDEAS AND TECHNIQUES MENTIONED, YOUR FINANCES, KNOWLEDGE AND VARIOUS SKILLS. SINCE THESE FACTORS DIFFER ACCORDING TO INDIVIDUALS, WE CANNOT GUARANTEE YOUR SUCCESS OR INCOME LEVEL. NOR ARE WE RESPONSIBLE FOR ANY OF YOUR ACTIONS. MATERIALS IN THIS PAGE MAY CONTAIN INFORMATION THAT INCLUDES FORWARD-LOOKING STATEMENTS THAT GIVE OUR EXPECTATIONS OR FORECASTS OF FUTURE EVENTS. YOU CAN IDENTIFY THESE STATEMENTS BY THE FACT THAT THEY DO NOT RELATE STRICTLY TO HISTORICAL OR CURRENT FACTS. THEY USE WORDS SUCH AS ANTICIPATE, ESTIMATE, EXPECT, PROJECT, INTEND, PLAN, BELIEVE, AND OTHER WORDS AND TERMS OF SIMILAR MEANING IN CONNECTION WITH A DESCRIPTION OF POTENTIAL EARNINGS OR FINANCIAL PERFORMANCE. ANY AND ALL FORWARD LOOKING STATEMENTS HERE OR ON ANY OF OUR SALES MATERIAL ARE INTENDED TO EXPRESS OUR OPINION OF EARNINGS POTENTIAL. MANY FACTORS WILL BE IMPORTANT IN DETERMINING YOUR ACTUAL RESULTS AND NO GUARANTEES ARE MADE THAT YOU WILL ACHIEVE RESULTS SIMILAR TO OURS OR ANYBODY ELSE'S, IN FACT NO GUARANTEES ARE MADE THAT YOU WILL ACHIEVE ANY RESULTS FROM OUR IDEAS AND TECHNIQUES IN OUR MATERIAL. ? Members Login | Disclaimer | Affiliate Minisite Design
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